Fractional Anti-Age Skin Resurfacing Treatment with Erbium YAG Laser.

What is Erbium YAG Laser Resurfacing?

Erbium YAG Laser Resurfacing is a specialized, computer-controlled technology that removes layers of the skin’s surface safely. This technique has the ability to produce outstanding results with minimal risk and minimal down time. It encompasses an advanced technology that emits two patterns of micro laser beams that are highly effective for both tightening and resurfacing the texture of your skin, by stimulating the production of new collagen fibers. The principle behind this technology is that only small spots of skin tissue are coagulated/ablated leaving unaffected skin in between these spots from which the natural wound healing can immediately begin.

This cutting-edge fractionated technology diminishes acne and surgical scars, wrinkles and fine lines, pigmentation, brown spots and sun damage. It can be used on the face, neck, chest and hands. It dramatically improves the overall texture and tone of the skin. The intensity of the treatment depends on the controlled depth of the ablation and the amount of “passes” your technician will perform.

It is an easy and non-invasive treatment that fits into any lifestyle and into your current beauty regimen. It is extremely effective at reversing the signs of aging and provides a change that you just cannot get from lotions and creams.

SharpLight's fractional resurfacing treatment reduces the range of photo aging signs and rejuvenates the skin, producing fresh, younger looking faces, necks and hands. These impressive results are achieved by replacing old, damaged cells with new, replenished healthy ones. SharpLight's innovative technology enables this to be done quickly, effectively and safely.

Our revolutionary Er:YAG laser produces a micro epidermal peel, which removes the problematic areas on the top layer of the skin through a thermo-mechanical reaction. The fresh layer that reproduces has an improved texture, reduced or disappeared rhytids, wrinkles, scarring, spots and an overall renewed radiance.


The efficacy and the efficiency of this treatment is strengthened by SharpLight's Er:YAG laser's flexibility; practitioners can select the laser's strength and depth field to adapt to the patients' needs, making each treatment personalized. Long-lasting results are usually achieved within 1 to 3 relatively short treatment sessions, making it time and cost efficient for both the practitioner and the patient.

Benefits of Skin Resurfacing Treatments:

  • Treatment is effective and efficient, producing impressive results within 1 to 3 relatively short sessions.

  • Treatment combats a variety of skin issues at once.

  • Treatment is customizable with adjustable peeling effects and degrees of strength, allowing practitioners to personalize it in accordance with the patient needs.

  • Healing is rapid and treatment requires minimal downtime.

  • Treatment is safe and effective for all patient profiles.

  • No anesthesia is required.

  • There are minimal, transient side effects associated with treatment; surrounding thermal damage is minimal.

Benefits of Erbium Laser Resurfacing Treatment over a Face Lift

  • While the traditional surgical face lift can improve the appearance of the skin’s surface by physically tightening wrinkles and lines, frequently the results are short-lived as the collagen support structure of the skin has not been treated. Moreover, the visible texture and pigment colour of the skin’s surface is not treated during a surgical face lift. Invasive surgeries also require a lot of time to heal. Laser resurfacing can have more global effects, e.g. treating the entire face, neck and hands.


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