How Does Microneedling work?

It creates controlled and temporary microscopic channels in the skin to stimulate the body’s natural wound-healing process, while minimizing cellular damage and stimulating collagen. This causes the body to respond through the formation of new tissue layers of elastin and collagen fibers as well as new capillaries for blood supply. Collagen and elastin are the essential protein fibers in the skin that gives support and elasticity.

Microneedling is the best treatment for the following skin conditions:

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles

  • Acne Scaring

  • Melasma/ Pigmentation/ Sun Damage

  • Surgical Scaring

  • Stretch Marks

  • Uneven Skin Tone

  • Enlarged Pores

About the treatment

Skin Pen Information
  • A comfortable procedure. Based on your needs, your provider will likely apply a topical numbing agent to the treatment area.

  • A short procedure time. The treatment will likely take about 30 minutes.

  • A mild sensation. Most patients report feeling only the slight vibration of SkinPen during the procedure.

  • Soothing aftercare. Your clinician will provide Skinfuse® LIFT, a clean, non-cytotoxic hydrogel used to prevent the skin from drying out post-treatment.

  • Minimal post-procedure effects. The skin will appear slightly pink to red immediately post-procedure, similar to a mild to moderate sunburn. Additionally, the most common treatment responses experienced were dryness, rough skin, tightness, redness, itching, peeling, discomfort, tenderness, and burning. These conditions resolved over time without any further complications.

  • Effective post-procedure protocol. Your provider might recommend an aftercare regimen. Ask about Skinfuse, Crown Aesthetics’ 90-day protocol specifically formulated to support your skin following microneedling.


What can I expect during Microneedling Treatment?

Prior to your treatment, your provider will provide a numbing cream to keep you more comfortable during your treatment.
This typically takes 20-30 minutes to take effect, depending on the treatment area. 

Your provider will perform your procedure in a minimally-invasive and precise manner with the use of a sterile needle head. The procedure is normally completed in 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the required procedure and anatomical site. 

After your treatment, your skin may appear slightly pink to red, similar to a mild to a moderate sunburn. You may also experience skin tightness and mild sensitivity following the procedure. Within the next 24 hours, the skin will often appear to have returned to normal. After three days, there is rarely evidence that the procedure has taken place. 

SkinPen Treatment
from CA$299.00

Three phases to the wound repair process following your treatment:


Piercing the skin triggers your immune system to disinfect the wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow and begin to create new tissue.


The wound is rebuilt with new granulation cells, which are part of the extracellular matrix. Additionally, a new network of blood vessels develops.


The wound is replaced with new dermal tissues and blood vessels.

Who should not consider Microneedling Treatment?

Micro-needling is not approved for patients under 22 years of age or for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Accutane patients should wait six months following the completion of their treatment to begin microneedling.

Will microneedling
work for me?

Unlike most alternatives, SkinPen has been clinically shown to be effective for women and men with skin ranging from skin-types light to very dark . Likewise, SkinPen’s mechanical process is less abrasive than harsh peels. In addition, when you properly space treatments that are overseen by a physician, the procedures can be administered year-round.

Before & After


What is SkinPen?
SkinPen by Crown Aesthetics is a transient, non-surgical, micro-needling device for the creation of “micro” skin punctures or channels to improve the appearance of the skin. SkinPen is an automated mechanical microneedling technology device designed for use by medical professionals. Sterile microneedle cartridges are provided for single use only.

How does SkinPen work?
Microneedling allows for controlled induction of the skin’s self-repair process by creating precise, micro injuries in the skin.

What are the benefits?
SkinPen procedures are beneficial to assist in reducing the signs of aging, improving the appearance of acne scars, as well as rejuvenate aging skin and conditions like melasma and surgical scars.

Who is a candidate?
One of the most exciting things about SkinPen is that it can be used on all skin types year- round.

What areas of the body can it be used for?
SkinPen’s variable needle depth allows for versatility and therefore it can be used on many parts of the body, including the face, neck, and décolleté. The depth for the face, neck and décolleté will not be deeper than 1.5MM and the body could go up to 2.5MM.

How long does the procedure take and will it hurt?
The procedure typically takes around 30 minutes for a face. Most SkinPen users apply a topical anesthetic to the skin prior to the procedure. This allows for a comfortable experience.

What is the downtime and what side effects should I expect?*
The total healing time depends on each individual patient. Most patients have some slight swelling and redness/pinkness (like a mild sunburn) for 24- 48 hours days. Some patients may heal completely in 24 hours. 

When will I see results?*
Patients may notice healthier looking skin immediately. However, the natural repair process of your own skin continues to progress over the course of several weeks. Damage that has occurred over an extensive period of time won’t disappear immediately. You may not see the final result for up to 6 months following your final session. 

How many procedures are recommended?*
The number of procedures required will be determined by your skincare professional based upon your individual procedure goals and the health of your skin. We recommend a minimum of 3 procedures spaced about 4 weeks apart. Your provider will develop a procedure plan specific to your needs and a maintenance plan to help maintain the rejuvenating effects. However, on scar tissue we will recommend a minimum of 6 treatments.

Can I wear make-up immediately following a procedure?*
Patients typically can resume their normal makeup regimen after the first 24 hours following their SkinPen® procedure depending on the area and type of procedure performed. Let the microchannels close- up within 18 hours.

Can I get a SkinPen procedure if I’m pregnant?
SkinPen is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing.

Is there anyone who should not use SkinPen®?
SkinPen users should take precaution when determining whether the SkinPen procedure is right for them. Consult your provider to discuss whether SkinPen is right for you.

*Individual results will vary.